Exelon and Constellation Separation | New Company Update

Exelon and Constellation Separation


New Company Changes

Thank you for being a valued customer. We are pleased to share an exciting update with you: The transaction separating Exelon’s regulated utility business from its generation business and commercial business closed, creating two independent, publicly traded companies. This milestone allows each company to become stronger and better positioned to focus on its own unique business and investment strategy.

The former Exelon Generation business and Constellation’s wholesale and retail businesses are operating under one brand, named Constellation. Effective February 2, Constellation begins trading on the Nasdaq under the symbol CEG, independent of Exelon (EXC). Each business is expected to be a Fortune 200 company and retain its investment grade credit rating.


What Does This Mean For Our Customers?

Constellation PowerLabs will remain the same dedicated company we always were and will continue to serve our customers, providing consistent, quality calibrations and testing.

The only difference is that our company legal name and brand name will be changing. Our new legal name is Constellation PowerLabs LLC. The main changes that have been made will be our email addresses. Instead of coming from @exeloncorp.com, it will be coming from @constellation.com or @exelonpowerlabs.com. You do not need to change anything at the moment, all emails going to exeloncorp.com will still be received.

Here are answers to some common customer questions:

  • Will my calibration certificates still remain valid if it has your previous company name?
    • Yes, your current calibration certificates will still be valid.
  • Will PowerLabs A2LA accreditations remain valid?
    • Yes, all of PowerLabs A2LA accreditations will remain valid. The only difference is our legal name will be changing to Constellation PowerLabs LLC.

We thank you for your patience during this time. PowerLabs will continue to update you on any new changes that can affect our customers.

If you have further questions, contact powerlabs@constellation.com.

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