ISO 17025 Hygrometer Calibrations | Get a Free Quote

Hygrometer Calibrations


Constellation PowerLabs Hygrometer Calibration Capabilities

Our full service laboratory is accredited to ISO 17025 for the calibration of relative humidity measuring equipment in the range of 10 to 95% RH with a Calibration and Measurement Capability Uncertainty (CMC) of ± 0.51% RH.

Our humidity calibration capabilities consist of the following:

  • Humidity Generation: 10 to 95% RH, non-condensing
  • Low Humidity Generation: -95 °C Frost Point to +10 °C Dew Point
  • Low Humidity Measurement: -80 °C Frost Point to + 20 °C Dew Point

Measuring Humidity with Hygrometers

Hygrometers are tools used to measure humidity, which is the amount of water vapor in air or gas. Most commonly, hygrometers are used to measure relative humidity which tells the user how much water vapor is in the air at a given temperature.

When measuring low levels of humidity, it requires more specialized equipment and the measurement is expressed in different terms (e.g., frost point, parts per million by volume).

Another important aspect regarding the calibration of humidity M&TE (measuring and test equipment) is the measurement of low humidity levels. These are commonly expressed as frost / dew point. The frost / dew point of a given gas (e.g., nitrogen, air, helium) is the temperature at which point the water vapor in the gas will condense.


Our Hygrometer Calibration Process


Hygrometer Instrumentation

Our labs calibrate a wide variety of humidity measuring equipment. These include but not limited to the following instruments:

  • Temperature loggers
  • Humidity loggers
  • Temperature recorders
  • Humidity recorders
  • Thermo-hygrometers
  • Temperature meters
  • Humidity meters

Humidity Accreditation Credentials

No matter the sensor type (e.g., capacitive, resistive, psychrometric, chilled mirror), as long as the range and accuracy are within the capabilities of our lab, it can be calibrated.

Generally, we test between three to five different humidity points and between five to eight low humidity points. The range of humidity and accuracy to which it is being calibrated are the factors that drive the calibration process.

If a calibration shows that the instrument no longer reads accurately, the equipment can be either adjusted or repaired as necessary to restore the instrument back to its full measurement capabilities.


Humidity’s Impact on Critical Environmental Factors

Humidity affects various industries from product shipping and storage to electronics, manufacturing and food processing to research and energy generation. High levels of humidity can cause a decline of construction materials, food products, pharmaceuticals, paper, electronic components, etc.


Hygrometers can help determine whether a given environment is safe for workers when there are either limited or no environmental controls available. Depending on the humidity level and the temperature of a given environment, workers could be exposed to heat stress conditions that will limit the amount of time work can be performed. It’s important to maintain safety for the sake of personnel and operations.

Integrity and Reliability

Humidity can negatively affect stored materials and impair the reliability of machinery, resulting in disruption to a manufacturing process. Relative humidity can also impact physical infrastructures, as condensation can occur on cold surfaces which can lead to corrosion or mold growth (depending on the type of material).

Maintaining the calibration of hygrometer equipment provides assurance the process being monitored for humidity is operating within the parameters specified as designated


The Need for Reliable Equipment

The need to measure and quantify humidity is important when evaluating the condition of a gas for use in a given process. That’s why it is important to be able to measure the humidity in your equipment to make it will work correctly.

Calibrating your hygrometers regularly provides assurance that an instrument is performing as expected when placed into service. Here are some examples of how important it is to measure humidity, so the equipment used performs at full range:

Pressure Equipment: When it comes to measuring pressure equipment, the gas used to supply the pressure is usually dry. That means it contains a low level of water vapor. If the gas has too much water vapor, then it could potentially damage the equipment where the gas flows through due to the introduction of moisture to a dry system.

Circuit Breakers: There are circuit breakers that handle large amounts of power which will arc when the contacts are opened. Inside these circuit breakers is an arc quenching gas (sulfur hexa-fluoride, aka SF6) that must be maintained at its highest purity to be effective at protecting the internal components of the circuit breaker. To prevent this from occurring, this is done by measuring the moisture content (water vapor) contained in the gas.


Our Quality and Accreditations

We are a full-service laboratory and are A2LA Accredited (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) to ISO 17025. While we pride ourselves on our quality and accredited calibration services, we also provide NIST traceable calibrations. This means that we’re able to calibrate your equipment to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) measurement standards. If you’re in the nuclear industry, we’ve got you covered in that arena too.

Our Quality Program is routinely audited by NUPIC and NIAC and satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and 10 CFR 21.

Contact us today if you need quality hygrometer calibrations. We have the accreditation and experience to handle your needs.

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